Saturday, March 17, 2012

It's 17th MARCH!!! Our First Anniversary

The first of many to come.

"Today, I found a girl,
an ordinary girl, a petite girl,
with cute little character,
people hardly notice her,
but her smile can bright up the darkest day,
glimmering, even the stars cannot match.

Today, I found a bestfriend,
she understand me like no others,
listened to my problems,
knew everything about me,
my love, my weakness.

Today I found my life,
always stand right beside me,
pull me up whenever I fell down;
wasting her time on me,
listen to my story;
with tears and laughters,
together, you made my day.

Dear life,
you are my love story,
my happiness, my sorrow, my everything.
These feelings,
are impossible to translate into words;
my emotion, are undescribable.
Only days that I spend with,
tells how much I appreciated you.

I love you more and more,
I'll never let you go,
even for a day;
I'll cherish you,
Until the end of my day."

Dear love,
You always be in my heart
Just want to say, 
I love you.


  1. alaaaa sweetnya hehehe...
    hope the best for both of you...
    I bet you guys up to something to celebrate it

  2. alahai sweetnye. happy anny. semoga kekal hingga ke akhir hayat

  3. so sweet.. semoga bahagia selamanya :))
